P-04-505 Eating Disorder Unit in Wales

Petition wording:

We call upon the National Assembly for Wales to inform the Welsh Government of the urgency and necessity to provide a specialist eating disorder unit in Wales.

Additional Information:

We would like to see a specialist eating disorder unit built in Wales to reduce the stress and disruption of traveling so far from family and friends by having to go to England to receive treatment. In 2007 the government acknowledged that there was no specialist treatment in Wales and that this needed to change, yet 5 years on we are still waiting for that change. I know from personal experience how hard it is to be in hospital so far away from home and believe that an eating disorder unit in Wales would make the process of treatment and recovery easier for welsh sufferers.


Petition raised by:  Keira Marlow


Date petition first considered by Committee: 8 October 2013


Number of signatures: 526